Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Taste Of Cruise

                                   Come Sail With We 

On a bed of white puffs of rice covered with  hot steaming shrimps in sauce. Collard green, Field peas with sap.  Remove  all other seasoning for at this table they are not needed.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Art Showing And Sale In A Town Near You

On March 2,2016 I had my first Art Showing though there was only a few coming to view. I could tell that my art had an impact with those that did come to see and to talk about my work. I look forward to another showing here in Athens Ga. in a few weeks.  As I  begin  looking for a better location in the Atlanta Ga. area. I would like to have two showing there as well as being able to sale my work.